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Archive - June 2015

Is It Time To Rethink Pink?

Rosé is probably the most misunderstood wines on the market.

Often looked down upon and viewed as too sweet and not serious, many drinkers are missing out on this fantastic style.

Years ago, cloying, sweet, rosé was popular. We don’t know why. What we do know is that there is a world of rosé waiting to be explored and once you get past the myths and start to understand what rosé is and how to choose and pair one to your liking you’ll fall just as in love with it as we have.

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Moderate Consumption of Red Wine Can Help Diabetics

Israeli University Study’s Preliminary Results Indicate Moderate Consumption of Red Wine Beneficial to Type 2 Diabetes Sufferers

Doctors in Israel are exploring whether or not red wine can protect the heart health of patients with Type 2 Diabetes. The study looked at participants with the condition who drank a small glass of red wine, white wine, or mineral water with dinner and found those drinking red wine had healthy hearts.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

The most common type of diabetes, Type 2 means the body does not use insulin properly. It is sometimes referred to as “insulin resistance”. It is caused by genetic disposition, lifestyle or a combination of both. Sufferers of Type 2 Diabetes are susceptible to significant heart issues. But a glass or two of red each day could help.

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Drunk Monkeys – Further Proof of Evolution?

Chimpanzees in West Africa like to drink about as much as humans do. While it’s not certain why the chimps drink, it is an interesting phenomenon.

Palm alcohol is made from the fermented sap of the raffia pine, grown in areas of West Africa. When villagers tap the trees and set up buckets, similar to the early stages of making maple syrup, the chimps take notice. Once humans are not in the area, the chimps return to drink the sap.

You Won’t See A Chimp At The Liquor Store

Like some Caribbean primates who steal tourists’ leftover bottles and drink what’s left, the chimps are drinking the sap being tapped from the palms. The sap has an alcohol level of about 3%, equivalent to a light beer. But, left for a few days the sugars in the sap will ferment raising the alcohol level to about 7%. Taking into account the alcoholic makeup of the sap and the size of chimps, they drink the equivalent of a bottle of wine.

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