| Wine Marketing Consultation Services

Author - Makis

Japan’s Wine Production On The Move

Another Asian country is looking to enter the world wine stage as Japan’s largest producer plans to expand.

Most of the wine produced in Japan is consumed locally, however the country wants to be competitive on the world stage as recent news shows. Mercian plans on doubling its growing area and developing more grower contracts. Mercian is a subsidiary of Kirin and currently grows Koshu, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Marlot, Syrah and Muscat Bailey A.

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Moderate Alcohol Consumption Great For Seniors’ Memories

Red wine helps clear acne, slow aging and drop blood pressure. Now experts in the US have found that it can also aid in keeping memory sharp.
Researchers at three US Universities have found a link between moderate drinking by people over 60-years-old and memory. In cases where people over age sixty did not drink, their memory recall was not as good as those who drink moderately. Moderate consumption of alcohol is defined as two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

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Contradictory News From The UK Raises Questions

Despite an apparent desire to help citizens drink less, troubling news from the UK is raising questions about practices in pubs and restaurants.

Recent news out of the UK shows a desire to help citizens cut down on their drinking by providing medication that cuts the desire for more than one drink. Despite recognition that there has been an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed, drink driving fatalities and other alcohol-related concerns, many pubs and restaurants are breaking the law and possibly putting citizens at risk.

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