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Tag - New York Wine Tasting

Brooklyn Oenology: Showcasing New York As A Wine Producing Destination

Here at Winedom we don’t just make lists of great tasting rooms to fantasize about, we actually visit them and learn about them from their owners, winemakers and staff.

Recently, Winedom writer Nancy Koziol spent an evening at Brooklyn Oenology, one of our top ten tasting rooms to visit, and was able to talk to owner and winemaker Alie Shaper about her wines, the space, and more.

Falling Into Wine

While for many, winemaking is a lifelong affair, passed through the family generation after generation, Alie discovered her passion for the drink accidentally having come from a family that didn’t drink much at all, “my mother almost never,” Alie shared when discussing her lack of memories of wine as a child other than the occasional bottle that would show up at her grandmother’s holiday dinners. Shaper completed her degree at New York’s Cornell University, starting out as a Mechanical Engineering major and then switching to Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Her only experience with wine at the ivy league university, known for its Hotel School, was taking their introductory wines-of-the-world class – an elective that “seriously sparked [her] interest in wine.”

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