| Wine Marketing Consultation Services

Guide to Developing a Wine Palate

Have you tried a particular wine that seemed to have a spicy smell, or one that reminded you of your favorite childhood candy? Some people have a naturally extensive palate, and are able to detect things in wine that seem odd to others. If all wine tastes the same to, you can still develop your palate with these six simple tips.

What Is Your Palate?

When people speak of a palate, they are actually referring to taste buds, the tongue, the inside of the mouth, and the sense of smell. In order to develop a better palate, you should begin by focusing special attention on the sensations that wine gives you in these areas. In order to develop an exceptional palate, you will need to go even further, by priming and protecting your palate. However, these expert techniques are not the topic of this guide. For now, develop your palate with the following techniques:

  1. Take your time
  2. Observe and smell before you taste
  3. Try to isolate flavors and visualize them
  4. Identify a particular flavor and move on to the next
  5. Texture and body counts
  6. Create a reserve of memories

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Wine Goes High Tech

How two vineyards used crowdsourcing to promote their wines

If you can crowdsource decisions about your next vacation, the job you should take or what to name your kids, why not crowdsource wine? Two winemakers asked that same question and are getting the answer.

The internet is intertwined with pretty much everything these days (even the Pope tweets!) so it’s not a surprise to hear that it has made its way into the wine world. But beyond vineyard websites, mail order wine and tasting blogs there is a new trend in the world wine web: crowdsourcing. Two vineyards have recently taken the journey into using crowdsourcing to promote their wines. Here are the unique ways each has approached this new frontier.
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Taste Your Wine Like a Pro

While plenty of people drink wine in order to become intoxicated, many consider wine tasting one of the best parts of drinking. It is a sad fact that some “wine snobs” have gone too far with their views of correct tasting methods, and the whole subject can seem off-putting and inaccessible to new-comers.

Once you accept that you have moved from simply drinking wine, and into the realm of wine tasting, you might find some expectations that can be intimidating. Often, the “right” way is sullied by people who are more interested in showing their knowledge, technique, and vocabulary, than just focusing on the wine.

This guide will help you to learn the real-world techniques that you can use to taste wine like an expert.
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